How To Remove Duplicates In Excel Using Vbscript

From the above data we need to remove Region column duplicates so follow the below steps to write the code. Click ok and it removes the duplicate values 3 duplicate values and retains 5 unique values.

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Mention the range of data by using the VBA Range object.

How to remove duplicates in excel using vbscript. This option checks duplicate values and retains the FIRST unique value and removes other values. You have to iterate backwards through the arraylist and then keep a second arraylist or dictionary with the one that you have already encountered. Sub VBARemoveDuplicate1 SelectionEnd xlDownSelect End Sub.

Heres a quick script I created to do this. For example in this worksheet the January column has price information I want to keep. Sub Macro1 Columns AASelect ActiveSheetRange A1K523RemoveDuplicates Columns1 HeaderxlYes End Sub.

VBA remove duplicates in a single column You can find the Month names listed in column B of sheet 1 and it does contain header Month. ExcelScriptWorkbook let selectedSheet workbookgetWorksheettest. Select the range you will delete rows based on duplicates in one column and then click Data Remove Duplicates.

The code I get from the recorded macro is. To check for duplicate rows regarding column B while considering the maximum value for column G. IF COUNTIF A1A14A1101 into a blank cell besides your data B1 for example and then press Enter key.

Another option is to make a new arraylist or dictionary object and add only the unique ones. Column B contains few month names which are repeated over more than one time. Dim objXL Set objXL WScriptCreateObject ExcelApplication objXLVisible TRUE objXLWorkbooksOpen dataxlsx.

The examples include a single column dat. The spreadsheet of rows where we kept either lower range of columns next project i look for duplicates while creating an excel or not include an absolute reference. Set objexcel createobjectExcelapplication objexcelworkbooksadd objexcelcells11value Folder Name objexcelvisible true For Each objFile in colFiles strOld objfileDateLastModified strDateDiff DateDiffd strOld Now If strDateDiff strOld Then objexcelcellsr1value objFolder end if next scansubfoldersobjFolder sortsheet.

I tried recording a macro to grab the VBA syntax but it isnt the same for VBScript. So I unchecked January in the Remove Duplicates box. If you then have a duplicate you can remove it safely from the arraylist.

Sub VBARemoveDuplicate1 End Sub. In Microsoft Excel we use the Remove Duplicates button from the Data menu. While these duplicate removal selection region that removes duplicate values remove duplicates in red color of removing all duplicate rows that the duplicated values using copy.

Sub Remove_Duplicates_Example1 Range A1C9. In the formula A1A14 is the original data range you want to remove the duplicates and A1 is the first cell in your data. Mark rows to delete with X column A.

Click Data Remove Duplicates and then Under Columns check or uncheck the columns where you want to remove the duplicates. We are now going to use VBA to Remove. Start the subprocedure by giving a macro code a name.

For this in VBA we will Selection function till it goes down to select complete data list as shown below. In the process of removing the duplicate first we need to select the data. Lets click on Remove Duplicates and select all columns.

In the popping up Remove Duplicates dialog box please only check the Column whose duplicate values you will remove entire rows based on and click the OK button. You just need to write a script using Office Scripts to delete the column. This video tutorial details the VBA code needed to remove duplicates from a worksheet range or from an Excel Table.

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